Sunday, February 5, 2012

Great movie!

"We Bought a Zoo" was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!  :)    A must see to be sure.
And then Lauren and I decided to stop by a photo booth and get some goofy pics together.  WHO KNEW they actually video tape you while you're in the booth?!  Yah, I had no idea.  Be sure to click on my "favorite videos" link...   :)  OH!  And I bought a book:  "Publishing for Dummies".  Thanks, M...onward and upward!

"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction." Margaret Thatcher

Today's message was SO great...talking about faith and how we need to use it in order to get good at it.  Dan Seaborn (amazing speaker) used an illustration from basketball and learning to dribble.  Sometimes you'll have the ball taken from you...sometimes you'll lose it...sometimes you'll be clumsy or sloppy while you work your way across the court...but the point is that you're doing're step at a time!  Nobody gets good at anything by osmosis, you don't learn to dribble by carrying the ball under your arm and your faith doesn't grow or get stronger unless you step out when you can't see a thing.  Take the first step, dare to trust when you can't see ahead...and watch your faith grow and strengthen.    <3

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