Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Braydon at 20 weeks!

I am in awe at the miracle of human life.  How in the WORLD can anyone not believe in God when they honestly get a glimpse of and really look at the life growing inside of a womb!  The perfect combination of everything is just too beyond any "accident" to not be the result of a divine creator.  It takes more faith NOT to believe in God than it does to acknowledge Him.  Good grief.  Even Darwin recanted his own theory towards the end of his life.  But do they teach THAT in school?  Yah, not so much.  Anyways...
Yesterday was Missy's 20 week ultrasound (actually 20 weeks and 3 days...lol) and it was incredible.  With today's technology, we even got to see 3D images of Braydon hiding his face, kicking his legs and punching Mom in the stomach...it was hilarious.  Just imagine what the teenage years will be like!  LOL  And yes, true to form of any grandma...he is SO CUTE!!!  Yes, of COURSE a 20 week old fetus can be cute...jeeeesh!  Schedules are busy with work and filming, singing, dancing, writing, and getting the house ready to sell.  Waiting on the Lord to move the cloud or part the sea...
In the meantime, we run the race...   <3

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